
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก กุมภาพันธ์, 2018

A Global Conservation Project

Saving Light Saving World At Present ,our world are suffer from Global Warming, because we ( human ) use too much electric for our daily life. This electric energy are change   from fuel to energy.   These burning fuel is the cause of Carbondioxide.  How can we save our world from Global Warming? Here’re some examples for how to saving light.No.1 : Turn off the light when you aren’t using it No.2 : Using standard electronics And for the last one : Reduce using electronics For the evidence : if you do as we said in the paragraph 2, you ‘ll see that it’s lower your house electricity bill. Benefits : 1.        It’ll make our world have less Carbondioxide and won’t suffer from Global Warming. 2.             Saving your money 3.             Electronics will have longer using. Summary : If you use less electricity power , you’ll save our world. Napat Charoenphiphob 6010100011  Nitiwadee Promchai     6010100640 Phannita Trinikhom      6010100691  

A global conservation project.

‘No Kill, No Cut’ Global Conservation is seeking to raise funding for a three-year program (2016-2018) to achieve ‘No Kill, No Cut’ in the Thap Lan National Park in Thailand. Thap Lan National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage site facing extreme threats from poaching of endangered wildlife and rosewood. Global Conservation is working with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to enable Thap Lan to reverse threats and reach ‘No Kill, No Cut’ sustainable conservation within five years. In July 2015, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee has threatened to place the Dong Phayayen - Khao Yai Forest Complex (DPKY) on the World Heritage in Danger list due to “illegal Siamese rosewood logging, resource management for forest rangers, law enforcement, forest encroachment, the proposal to build a new highway in forestland and insufficient sustainable tourism development strategies”. Thap Lan National Park is especially critical do to accelerating threats of poaching, enc