ฺBody Signs ENGIII Sec27

Body Signs

Nowadays, people have to communicated for living such as forming relationships between people and spreading knowledge. There are many ways to communicate with other people ,for example, talking and chatting. But today, I’ll talk about the body signs and focus on their weaknesses and strengths.

For the weaknesses, firstly, body language give you away and sometimes you won’t be able to help it. If you don't know how to control it, you can be giving off negative signals. And another one of the weakness is, in, for example, an interview setting, if you don't make eye contact with the employee and move around a lot, this can lead to not getting the job.

And for the strengths, simple gestures can mean a lot, and they are a good way to convey emotions without much effort. For example if you are angry you cross your arms, or if you are happy you can let your arms free. And for the last one, in an interview setting your body language can show a lot about you. If you sit up straight with a smile you will appear more confident to potential employees.

In conclusion, body signs are powerful communication strategies, so you need to be careful how you use them.

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