Live In The University ENGIII Sec29
Live In The University
Right now, l’m a freshman in Kasetsart University. l’ve
adjusted to the life in the University. It’s a changeover. I have to take care
of myself. I must manage my expenses. I need to
make new friends and I have to have more responsibility in studying. Today, I’d
like to talk about the lesson of life in the University and the weakness and
strength of my lifestyle here.
Let’s start with weakness. First, Money, I usually spend a
lot of money in a month that I almost have no accumulation.
Secondly, I don’t have a lot of friends. I only know less than a half of people
in my own faculty.
The strengths of my lifestyle are, first, studying, I attend
every class that I took. Second, self caring, I take care of myself very well
whether it be self management or chores.
In conclusion, The lesson that I’ve learned is that I have to
adjust myself to the life in the university. My weaknesses are money and
friends. As for my strength, it is studying and self caring. Thank you for your
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